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The First Decan of Leo

Writer's picture: Dalanah♃Dalanah♃
Exploring the soul of the first 10° of Leo.

Welcome to the first decan of Leo! Before we jump in, if you want/need a refresher about the decans themselves, check out the introductory post in this series and then meet me back here so we can dive head first into this post together. Here's a quick overview of everything we'll be covering:

  • Planetary ruler of the decan

  • Descriptions from Ibn Ezra, the Picatrix, and Agrippa

  • The tarot card associated with the decan

  • An exploration of the decan's soul via Sun placement

Again, if you want to know the meaning of the decans themselves, what they are, and how they can be of use to us, then definitely read the first post in this series before continuing on. You all know I like to teach from a solid foundation, so knowing exactly what the decans are and the rationale behind them will be important in their interpretation. If you're solid on the concept of decans, then let's get started with the planetary ruler.

Planetary Ruler

The first decan of Leo means we’ve made our way through all the elements and have finally come back to Fire. We’ve already looked at the decans of cardinal Fire, and now we’re exploring what the 10° segments of fixed Fire hold. The first 10° of Leo are ruled by Saturn. The Saturnian nature of this decan mixes with the fixed nature of Leo and produces intensely passionate and stubborn leonine energy. These are the Leo placements that are less about drama and more about expressing passion and being a leader. Planets in this decan can feel like they have ambition, fire, obligation, and tenacity, but often don’t know how to go about expressing it or take a more serious approach to harnessing the energy. These bounds are malefic-ruled, so when planets pass through or are placed there natally, they tend to have a more serious or rigid expression. It’s not that the fun or vivacious energy gets taken away from Leo, but things do tend to be more serious within in these degrees. These are the degrees of leadership and independence. Saturn matures the fires of Leo and infuses a sense of responsibility and honor into whatever planets reside there. The energy of this decan is fiercely strong and tenacious. There is a sense that planets here will do whatever it takes to thrive, survive, or win. This can make these degrees a little combative, especially if there is something to be won or an achievement to be had.

At the time of writing this post, Mercury is in the first decan of Leo, so let’s use that as a planetary example. Mercury being placed in the first decan of Leo means that communication is going to be passionate and strong, but also to the point and no bullshit. There’s a certain level of diplomacy that will be used to speak and typically a stern intellect or fixed mindset. Power and authority is lended to the speaking voice. People with this placement can do anything from tell a compelling story, to convince you to sign up for a passionate cause. A great example of Mercury in the first decan of Leo is Barack Obama. He’s known for his eloquent, yet powerful speaking voice. He can captivate an audience and speak on intense topics without losing the warmth and depth in his voice. Planets that reside in these 10° are bolstered by the intensity of Saturn, but they’re also given a heavy burden to carry. Leo being ruled by the Sun means that the spotlight is on whatever placement is there. The Saturn-ruled degrees speak to the pressure someone might put on themselves to be perfect or reach excellence. Merely trying is not enough for the first decan of Leo. These degrees strive for success and will do whatever it takes to land in the spotlight. Any planets here will be forced to understand hard work, but will be rewarded for it. These degrees can be less polished or care less about glitz and glam than the other Leo decans, but it makes them more relatable.

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