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Audio Lecture: Intro to Aspects

Audio Lecture: Intro to Aspects


You've memorized the houses, know the signs like the back of your hand, and the planets feel like old friends...but what about those pesky aspects? Aspects are a crucial part of interpreting astrology that allow us to see all the intricacies a chart holds. They give us the juicy details and can often be mitigating factors to placements we have a tough time with. Join me as we explore aspects from the ground up and gain confidence in your astrological interpretations.


What you'll receive:

  • Audio lecture of the material
  • Keynote presentation that pairs with the lecture
  • Review questions
  • Review answer sheet
  • Disclaimers

    - You must be over the age of 18 to purchase this material.

    - Lectures are not meant to replace medical, legal, or other professional advice.

    - Materials are delivered via zip file.

© 2020-2025 Dalanah Smith

If you see "me" on social media report it, it's fake. I don't do socials.

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